Tactile Mobility has been working in the field of sensor data fusion and analysis to produce advanced data analytics for automotive applications since 2012.
The business started when Boaz was trying to develop a method to accurately plan routes and calculate efficiency. He realized that by taking existing sensor data streams and combining them, he could generate much more accurate models than traditional mapping methods.
The business has now crunched more than 10 million km of data and analyzed>100,000 individual trips. The company now works with vehicle OEM’s, mapping companies, fleet managers, and even municipalities to help them gather better data about their vehicles and roads for a wide range of purposes from the acceleration of development processes, and improvement of autonomous driving systems to planning municipal maintenance activities.
To find out more about Tactile Mobility and its sensor fusion technology, check out this episode!
Boaz Mizrachi LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/boaz-mizr…
Tactile Mobility website: https://tactilemobility.com
Ryan Maughan LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-maug…
Ryan Maughan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/acexryan
eTech49 website: https://www.etech49.com
eTech Developments website: https://www.etechdevelopments.com